Monday, December 1

Work hard will get what you want =D

hi there..... haha... ma new post.... yeah as for the title above... work harder will get what you want... For me , i think this statement is quite true... Isn't it? huh? But for me what make it important is we have to enjoy the process of working hard... just like the snail above.... Although the snail is crawling quite slow but they never give up to reach their destination... For us, we should learn for the snail.... never give up to achieve what you want... But if sometimes no matter how hard you try to work hard and did not achieve something... As long as you're enjoying the process you will not lost anything also.... Hence you will have what it call experience =)

Sunday, November 30

Other Pic Is At My Facebook...

Hi guys.... there's more on my memorable pic because im lazy to add an images.... you all can find it at my facebook.... Just add me and you'll find out more =)

So here's my facebook =

My memorable Pic in The One Academy

Finally..... after 3 years study in TOA

yeah........ finally my work is finished.... its a very memorable day together with my group member FatDuckError~ There's 1 thing that i know in this project is we have to enjoy our progress in project... Throughout the process from pre production to post production... we learn a lot of thing such as technical , lighting , compositing.. but there's still left alot for us to improve... Although we 3 person to fight till the end but our heart is totally 5 people.... It's very enjoy the process of creating an animation.... So it does to other group as well...

1st blog.............

hello to all............... here's my 1st blog that i created...... to write about my journey of my life and my mood.....